The Fear Project
The Fear Project is about showcasing that every person has fears. Real people with real fears. Yet, they are able to have a successful and enjoyable life.
My intention for this project is to start a conversation about mental health. Many have started already, which is great. It means the stigma is slowly slipping away. We must work to continue this.
So often we cling on to ‘positive’ emotions and hide from or push away ‘negative’ emotions. How can we only feel one without the other? We can’t. Everything needs balance. So, how about accepting - even embracing - both?
Over the last five years, I have learnt so much about emotions and mental health and the last year of studying holistic nutrition has taught me the impact between mind and body. Let's allow every emotion to emerge and be released from the body and in doing so ensure a healthy and vital system.
Everyone feels fear. It is necessary for our survival. We just need to learn to utilise it when faced with - these days, quite rarely - a roaring lion and acknowledge but put it to the side when being creative, conversing with potential partners, trying something new, navigating life etc etc.
Don’t let fear debilitate you. Recognise, respect, resume.
Check out The Fear Project on Instagram: @the.fear.project
Contact me to be a part of The Fear Project!