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At Rainbow Tree Health, we love the human body, especially the brain. When you think of the primitive parts combined with the most complex of processes, it really is unbelievable how the body functions.


We love health and want to share the things we've learnt about nutrition, mental health, spirituality, life and how to get a good balance.


We also love food. World travel allows us to sample amazingly, creative cuisines from all corners of Earth. But what are these foods and how can they keep us healthy?


Lastly, we love education and information and believe this should be free and accessible for everyone, especially when it comes to something as fundamental as health.


Health is subjective. No-one else knows exactly how or why you’re feeling a certain way. Only you. And only you can change it. Each human body is individually created with its own coding laid out as DNA and expressed as genes. So there cannot be a ‘one diet fits all’: we are all bio-individual. Much like our personal tastes, one person may like lemons and another may not. With bio-individuality, one person’s body may be able to process lactose and another’s cannot.

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